How To Plant, Grow, And Care For Agave
SEP 01, 2021

Agaves are one of the most popular types of succulents to own and grow. Like most succulents, they are not a high-maintenance undertaking at all. They make an excellent addition to every home or outdoor space and garden.
Agave is known for being drought-tolerant and being resilient in harsh climates and all types of landscapes, making them a plant that can withstand trying circumstances (such as frost and full sun). Agave is a gorgeous succulent, easy to plant, effortless to grow, and a wonderful way to spruce up any space. Lula’s Garden has all the info you need!
Let’s Start With the Basics
Similar to most succulents available for purchase, agave comes in a wide variety of species. There are certain agave that are for specific purposes, that grow best in certain climates, and have a wide range of physical appearances. Agave succulents are just as unique as every other succulent that catches your eye.
Simply stated, agave is a specimen of succulents. There are also blue agave succulents and wax agave succulents.
You can find agave in a hotter, desert climate. They tend to grow on the side of rocky hills and in the sand. This plant is known for needing good drainage from rain and watering. Light shade is preferred but the sun is certainly okay. They prefer low humidity because high humidity can lead to rot. Fertilizer isn’t necessary for agave, even for new plants.
Agave has stems that are deemed “succulent” in nature. Regardless of where you keep your agave, they are sure to stand out. Agave can be green or grayish-blue in color. Often, the leaves of agave are striped in vibrant ways.
Agave can live for 10 to 30 years, eventually producing a massive “rosette” in the middle of the plant. The agave essentially puts all of its energy into creating this massive flower in the center, which contains a high volume of seeds. Basic agave information:
- These plants typically need dry, arid climates
- They live a very long time! Sometimes they live as long as several decades.
- There are many different agave species to explore and own
- Agave has unique coloring, making them beautiful to look at
- Native to western America, as north as Utah, and into Mexico. Agave can also be found in parts of northern South America and the Caribbean Islands.
Agave Plants Galore
There are so many different types of agave succulents! The list is never-ending. However, there are some that are the easiest to grow in your garden or succulent family.
- Century plant (Agave americana, common name)
- Artichoke agave (Agave parryi var. truncata)
- Blue agave plant (Agave tequilana)
- Queen Victoria agave (Agave victoriae-reginae)
- Agave attenuata
- Agave snout weevil
These agave succulent plants are among the most common choices for gardeners to grow. Each succulent variety offers something special and unique depending on your agave succulent of choice.
The century plant is known for its blue-gray leaves. These leaves also have saw-toothed spines. This agave succulent in particular is known to flower. The flowering components can get as large as 15-feet-tall and are typically yellow or green in color.
The artichoke agave has blue or green leaves, with sharp and dark spines. This agave succulent is also known to have a flower stalk that reaches heights as tall as 15 feet. The flower stalk is yellow in color, as well.
The blue agave succulent is known as being the “tequila” agave. The flowering portion of this agave succulent does not bloom its vibrant yellow flowers until seven years have gone by. This plant is known as the tequila agave because it provides the nectar used to make tequila.
The Queen Victoria agave succulent is smaller than its other agave succulent family members. This succulent only gets to be about one foot tall. After 20 to 30 years, this agave succulent starts producing flowers. The Queen Victoria agave succulent is different from its other agave counterparts because its leaves have a broader, dome-like shape. Its flowers are also cream, or reddish-purple comparatively to its yellow flowering agave family members.
Taking Care of Your Agave Is So Easy
Caring for an agave succulent plant is not all that different from caring for any other succulent. How to care for an agave succulent can be broken down into three simple succulent care guidelines to follow.
Water approximately every seven to 10 days with the plastic water dropper. Use two to four, full dropper squeezes when watering your agave.
Light and temperature: keep your agave succulent plant in temperatures between 60 and 90 degrees. Agave succulents can grow outdoors in direct sunlight, or indoors with natural light.
Repotting your agave isn’t too hard. First, remove the agave pups from the mother plant. Then, you want to either move the pups to a pot or plant it in the ground. Make sure you are using a cacti or succulent potting mix. Lastly, water the plant.
An important thing to consider when caring for your agave succulent plant is that very few agave variations can survive extremely cold temperatures. Despite this weakness, agave succulent plants thrive in many other types of harsh conditions.
Agave Info You Need To Know
Agave succulent plants can live off of cliffs, in woodland areas, sandy areas, beaches, riparian areas, and on rocky slopes. Additionally, most agave succulents can withstand soil that has a high salinity, high temperatures, intense winds, and even drought-like conditions.
Agave succulent plants can grow in dry and shallow soil. This makes an agave succulent plant incredibly durable and flexible with all sorts of conditions. When it comes to repotting your agave succulent plant into an outdoor garden, there are several things you need to know.
Give your agave succulent plant plenty of room to grow! The plant needs a hole in the ground that is roughly two times larger than the plant itself. Make sure the soil is cactus soil. Be sure to include a method of drainage for your agave succulent plant.
Water the agave roots to perk them up initially, but remember to continue to water your agave succulent sparingly. If you plant your agave outside, it is recommended that you water your agave succulent every five days for the first month before you scale back the watering regimen.
Here are some other important tips and tricks to care for your agave:
- Try mixing the soil with sand
- Give your agave light! These succulents are especially known for needing plenty of sunlight. This can occur indoors by a window, but they really thrive in direct sunlight.
- Protect your agave succulent plant from pests. Many creatures that live outside want the nectar that agave produces from within.
- Agave succulent plants grow and thrive in warm areas. Make sure your agave succulent’s home is in a warm climate.
Agave Succulent Plants Are a Must Have
If you are looking for a large succulent, the agave succulent plant is the way to go! They live several decades, are beautiful and uniquely colored, and can survive in very harsh conditions. Agave succulent plants require very little watering, can be planted indoors or outdoors, and make excellent statement pieces in your garden or in your home.
These succulent places stand tall and proud and will be an incredible addition to your succulent family. Planting, growing, and caring for a succulent plant has never been easier. Become a part of the agave succulent plant owner community today! Follow these tips and tricks and your agave succulent plant is sure to live long and grow tremendously.
Century Plant (Agave) | Florida State University
Agave Plant Guide: How to Grow Agave in Your Garden - 2021 | MasterClass